Antminer s9 litecoin hashrate


May 14, 2020 · Available Antminer S9 ASIC hashes and their power consumption: 13.5 Th/s - 1300W (96 watt -TH/s) 16.1 TH/s - 1350 watt (85 watt -TH/s) 15 TH/s - 1250 watt (83 watt - TH/s)

Based on the dips in hashrate during the cryptowinter, I would expect as much as a ~30% drop in hash following the halving. Not great, but your L3+ could still be marginally profitable. It is 28 nm tech, so it's more similar to the S7 than S9; making it longer in the tooth than it may seem. The BM1485 chip, the first Litecoin Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) chip in more than two years, is designed by the same team that designs the world’s most power-efficient ASIC chips for Bitcoin mining.

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Antminer S9i (14Th) Description Model Antminer S9i (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1320W. Designed for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash mining. BITMAIN Antminer S9, L3+, and D3 - The world’s most efficient miners and world's first bitcoin mining ASIC based on the 16nm process node. The Antminer S9 follows the same form factor as that of the hugely popular Antminer S7 and is nearly the same size. It has more than thrice the power and twice the 6/8/2020 5/14/2020 3/2/2021 LITECOIN CASH MINING ANTMINER S9 - YouTube.

Antminer Litecoin L3++ is the optimized and upgraded version of L3+, and the hashrate of single miner is increased by about 90M. Long-term of stable operation and the measured average hashrate is about 593M, the power is 1040w. With certain overclocking space (depending on actual condition of every miner).

Antminer s9 litecoin hashrate

Delivered worldwide via DHL Express and UPS. Aug 11, 2020 · Antminer S9. Antminer’s S9s were ahead of the game when launched in 2016 and are existent to-date, despite Bitcoin’s surge in hashrate and difficulty. The S9s were priced at $2,100 and were doing 13.5 TH/s and the network difficulty chart shows the exponential growth between 2016 and 2018. The installation and setting-up of Antminer S9 Hydro are a little complicated. Please refer to Tutorial for Antminer S9 Hydro Water Cooling Bitcoin Miner for details.

Based on the dips in hashrate during the cryptowinter, I would expect as much as a ~30% drop in hash following the halving. Not great, but your L3+ could still be marginally profitable. It is 28 nm tech, so it's more similar to the S7 than S9; making it longer in the tooth than it may seem.

It for sure cannot mine LTC. You need a Scrypt miner for LTC. Also, a S9 is obsolete. Bitmain Antminer S9 Bitcoin Mining Hashrate .

Antminer s9 litecoin hashrate

Based on the BM1485 chip is Bitmain’s Antminer L3+, a newer version of the Antminer L3. The Antminer L3+ is way ahead of the competition when it comes to hashrate VS power draw and price.

Exchange 7/16/2016 The S9 Antminer is available for $ 2980. With 13.5 TH/s of hashing power, this is one of the best machines on the market for the home bitcoin miner. S9 Specifications: 1. Hash Rate: 13.5TH/s ±5% 2. Power Consumption: 1300W + 12% (at the wall, with APW3 ,93% efficiency, 25C ambient temp) 3. Antminer S9i (14Th) Description Model Antminer S9i (14Th) from Bitmain mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 14Th/s for a power consumption of 1320W.

Antminer S9 – 13.0 TH/s @. 098 W/ GH  Setting Up Antminer S9/L3+ With Mining Pool to Start Mining Ethereum price target video gdax switch litecoin to bitcoin is available when the video has been  16 Feb 2018 cryptocurrency mining equipment consisting of 3800 Antminer S9 and 252 Gigahash of Scrypt for Litecoin mining following the Acquisition  12 Jan 2018 Bitmain manufactures Bitcoin, Litecoin, and other cryptocurrency mining Bitmain's Antminer S9 Bitcoin Mining Machine uses a Zynq Z-7010  16 May 2018 The electricity that is expended in the process of mining Bitcoin has mining machines, which were “almost exclusively” Antminer S9 machines. Along with 4,000 L3+ (Litecoin) mining machines (running at 800 W each) we&nb 29 ноя 2017 Здравствуйте, приобрел себе данный девайс - bitmain antminer s9 и s9i. И хотел написать по нему обзор и поделится с вами опытом. 27 авг 2018 Antminer S9 Hydro — это майнер с водяным охлаждением, предположительно обеспечивающий хешрейт в 18 TH/s для майнинга  All the mining rigs have hardwired Ethernet cores; you can't connect them via Wi- Fi, because of their enormous bandwidth requirements. Jordan Tuwiner Last  Mining Contracts for Litecoin. Discount Item.

We did a quick test to see how good it works and what results can we get trying to optimize power usage while retaining the best possible hashrate. So in about 3 hours we managed to get about 10.4 TH/s for 800W of power usage from a single Antminer S9. Mar 02, 2021 · Unlike with the Antminer S9, S7, or Antminer S5, with Antminer R4, Bitmain is targeting the home Bitcoin miner market. It is a home Bitcoin miner that may actually turn a profit, unlike Bitcoin USB miners. Some of these problems mentioned above have been addressed and as a miner you can do it as a hobby while also making some money. May 20, 2020 · Bitmain’s Antminer S9 has historically been a popular mining machine, but newer, more efficient models have gradually replaced it. Following the halving, the S9 only accounted for 18% of the network hashrate. Yet, this week saw a surge in S9 miners, with the devices now accounting for 32% of Bitcoin’s total hashpower.

*Screenshot taken on Jan. 22th, 2021 .

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Live income estimation updated every minute. Description. Model Antminer L3+ (504Mh) from Bitmain mining Scrypt algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 504Mh/s for a power consumption of 800W.

PSU Included. Support 7/7.